I. Lit. Review of current work in the area
Terms: SNS "social networking" web2.0 facebook education "positive outcomes" "formal learning environment"
- Christine Greenhow
- danah boyd
- Clay Shirky
- Henry Jenkins
- Nicole B. Ellison
- Neil Selwyn (skeptic re: social web in formal learning)
- Christian Dalsgaard
II. Lit. Review of factors of educational efficacy
- the ones that make sense for online tools, like these, and for elementary students (audience matters)
III. Develop rubric based on factors
- x-axis=tool; y-axis the degree to which or 1/0
- the structure of the rubric will emerge as I learn about the factors through reading. (or so I thought... ugh) They may come from what kids want/like, teachers, etc. I need to document where each factor came from.
- It will probably be under 10-12 of them both for practicality and completeness.
- Some will be binary, others will be scaled.
IV. Survey top 2 most popular SNSs from both "school safe" and "general use" categories according to Alexa
- be able to articulate why I chose the tools I chose (might be popularity, might be something else)
V. Report Findings
VI. Develop recommendations for future SNSs
Make sure to include conclusions for all potential audiences. Each will have a different perspective. Some will care about the method & the rubric and others will care about the outcome.
- for tools developers
- customers of these tools (school districts, ed leaders)
- EdTech researchers
* I'd like to thank Dr. Cathy Cavanaugh and Dr. Chris Sessums for contributing to these ideas.
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